Tuesday 1 May 2018

Moving to New York

Ever since I decided to put NTU as my top choice I knew I would apply to the exchange program they have with FIT in NYC. I couldn't think of a more exciting opportunity offered by any course in other universities. Although, not until I got here did I realise that it is a lot harder to get on it than I thought. There was a whole lot of requirements and the process is stage after stage. The process started with a 250 word statement which was good as I achieved an interview. However, I did initially get rejected after the interview process. It is tough competition with 3 other girls on my course alone against me. The exchange is also for the whole of fashion not just FCP plus graphic design. After getting a no I was gutted and disheartened with the course and didn't really enjoy uni for a while or have the mood to go out. However, a week later I had gone out and met new people and with the help of my friends realised that maybe I wasn't meant to leave Notts so soon. My friend from home came for the last week of spring term and I received an email to say that a place had opened up for me and I could now go. So instead of drinking my sorrows away I was actually celebrating this week. Oh how much can change in a week is incredible. I had such a good week that I actually started thinking about how much I would miss Nottingham and the people I have met here. Though, it will still be here for second and third term and New York won't wait. I was ecstatic as in literally having to sit down and drink some water kind of adrenaline. Then there was the application to FIT now that I had convinced my home uni. It was stressful having to do it whilst on holiday in France but things have to be done. After a 2 week wait, I have just received a confirmation that FIT have also accepted me. There is still so much to do but I am so excited that I am enjoying every moment of it. Plus, I keep thinking about the fact that at the end of it I will live in my favourite city very soon! I will definitely blog more when I get there and my life across the pond.


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