Tuesday 15 May 2018

First Year

As first year is coming to end I thought I'd reflect on what a whirlwind its been. It has gone so quickly, its scary! I have learnt so much about myself living alone and a few hours away from home.

First term was definitely an adjustment which I think I adapted to well. Being thrown into a flat of strangers who I spent the majority of it with whilst I found my friends. Freshers week is highly overrated and I have had much better nights afterwards once I actually knew the people I was going out with. Went out loads regardless, enjoyed my course, and joined a couple societies. That £1 entry to Rock City even though I never went to a Cocktail Soc event is a great trick. I really got involved to try and meet as many people as possible.

2nd term was a weird one. For the first week my course and I were in New York which was so much fun. I hadn't travelled with friends in a while and it was an experience going with friends I hadn't known that long, but it only made us closer. Then we came back for deadlines and for reading week I decided to go home! By the time I had come back we were already half way through the term and I hadn't even been in Notts that much! Surprisingly this was my favourite term! I think I had become overwhelmed with uni and didn't want to go home at all during first term, that I'm glad my friend wanted me to come back for a gig in London to give me a break. March was unexpectedly an amazing month. I went to see my friends in Norwich who I hadn't seen since November and it was also snowing so that was something else. We took a day trip to London which actually made me want to stay at home but I hadn't brought a suitcase! Uni has definitely made me appreciate my hometown a lot more. I think I get bored easily and can't stay too long in one place. This was also the time I was applying for New York. The week of boat ball and St Patricks Day were very good nights out. I'd never celebrated St Patricks Day before but its just another reason to get drunk. My best friend from home came in the last week of term and I think we showed her a good time with LDOT being one of the best days/nights here. We plan on getting there at 12pm straight after handing in our deadline this term.

Third term I expected to be the same amount of fun but so far its been a bit 50/50. Deadlines have made everyone stressed, honestly didn't think I could get anymore stressed than I have been. My group weren't getting on, I didn't know what I was doing next year and never had I considered dropping out more. The fact that I have nearly got through it makes me feel so much better. The sun has helped having been out more than ever this term. The first week back were a lovely few days. Its crazy how the sun can make you feel so happy even when your life is falling apart :) Nothing lasts forever though and things are falling in place again.

My friends and I were talking about first impressions today in the Arboretum and I can't say how we became close in a short period of time it just kinda happens when you're with each other 24/7. I am looking forward to the end of term nights out and getting a job in the summer to fund my term abroad. I will for sure need to see my uni friends during the summer because that is one long time away.


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