Monday 21 May 2018

LRS Studio

Another brand I was attracted to is LRS Studio. I was surprised to find out what the brand represents and their inspiration. LRS Studio is all about youth culture, the club scene and crazy wild kids of New York. Designer Luis Raul Solis is inspired by art and Margiela. It lives by a 'don't give a fuck' attitude. The aspirational aspect of the brand does relate to me and I think that's why I like it. He also deals with political messages as a Mexican with underwear targeting towards Trump's outrageous rules.

It's the romanticised idea of coming to New York and the freedom that comes with being who you want to be in this city. It also plays on negative aspects such as insomnia, sleepwalking and nightmares. The girl who isn't ready to sleep with all this energy from a night out.

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