Friday 11 May 2018

Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino

Arctic Monkeys have just released an album after 5 years and as soon as they announced it I have been highly anticipating it! They are one band that I have always wanted to see live and was annoyed I couldn't get tickets for their tour in the autumn. However after the wait I am very disappointed with the latest release. Granted they have changed their sound but there isn't one song I could fully get through and could convince myself that I liked. It is just too monotone and each song sounds the same honestly. I don't see a hit or any classics coming out of this one. Some say they hope it will be a grower but it is exhausting to listen to. I heard 'Four out of Five' first which only happened by shuffle on Spotify and it does sound the most familiar to their sound I like but definitely not a banger. It does reflect The Last Shadow Puppets more than Arctic Monkeys. Even in their album I liked Miracle Aligner. I guess I will have to continue listening to their other music like I have been until they produce another one. It is the complete opposite of their their past 5 albums. They have stuck with a similar sound their entire career and maybe have left that behind for now but it isn't something I get bored of. Feeling less upset about not getting tickets now. Just hope this isn't their last album.

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