Sunday 15 October 2017

Pretty in Pink.

With our colour we were asked to create a photoshoot and short video. My partner and I had all these great ideas but didn't know exactly how to execute them. We decided that we like the idea of portraying the power of pink. Originally we were going to take the images in the studio but decided to take them in a setting of a garden. We blew up some balloons and wrote insults associated with pink and girls. The idea of the video was for the girl to pop the balloon in a representation that the words are meaningless and disregarded. The fact it was taken in slo-mo adds dramatic effect to the message. We tried to make the model look powerful in her pink clothing and overall pink setting. We put striking pink makeup on the eyes as well. I am happy with the result and enjoyed the process. Having done Photography at A-level, I am used to using professional cameras and editing on Photoshop. Making the pictures have the colour splash effect was important in not only making the images more edgy but the colour pink pops. My favourites are shown below and the video we made.


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