Thursday 17 May 2018

Team Work

Today marked the end of the group work for first year and this part of the fragrance project. To say I am relieved is an understatement. Whilst some groups may have been happy that the end of the project meant not working on it I also was free from a difficult team. I do prefer independent working that's just my nature but I am good at working in teams and don't cause issues. However, I have experienced quite a journey with this group. No names will be mentioned but there was a clear divide from the beginning. 4 to 1 with me being in the majority therefore can say we are more of team players than the one excluding herself. I don't like people who think its their way or no way because it is not productive and you end up causing a drift between the group. Also, not discussing the issues you have with us and not communicating can be the number 1 problem sometimes. As adults and going into a collaborative industry, involving lectures does seem extreme and unnecessary. The misconceptions being thrown only made it harder for us to work together. Nonetheless, by the last stage we had realised that the four of us were more similar as people and had the same interests whereas we couldn't relate to the one girl. She actually is a nice person when you speak to her outside of the work which I couldn't find out until the end because she didn't want to open up to us. Different cultures do collide as she said to us eventually but I think lots could have been avoided if we had just communicated!


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