Tuesday 17 April 2018

The French Riviera

Nice, France
I have always been fascinated with the South of France hearing about it from movies and books. Plus the amount of celebrities who visit Cannes on their yachts and Cannes Film Festival. So we thought take advantage of the fact we're already in France to spend a few days there. The train journey wasn't that bad as I slept through most of it and we arrived pretty early around 1pm so we had the whole day. However, it was raining in Nice and not what I had pictured the Côte D'Azur to look like. Although, not all was at loss we checked into our Airbnb and settled in and decided to explore Vieille Ville a bit later in the day and it still looked pretty regardless.

Cannes, France
Looking at the weather forecast, it was raining in Cannes too but we couldn't go any other day so we made the most of it and made our way to the resort town. It was torrential rain unlike the spitting in Nice and Paris. The beach was out of question but we still walked the promenade and walked the Rue d'Antibes shopping stretch. You definitely saw the luxury and it reminded me of Rodeo Drive in Beverley Hills. We ate at La Croisette where I had the best rosé from St Tropez. I feel like Cannes didn't get a fair chance so I will revisit. 

Monte Carlo, Monaco
We were surprised and happy to see the sun whilst in Monaco which we didn't prepare for and I left my sunglasses at the apartment. Wasn't complaining though, saw the famous Monte Carlo Casino, Prince's Palace and enjoyed taking photos outdoors. Once again, the rich feeling was everywhere and I loved it. It was quite different from the film Monte Carlo that I watched as a kid.

Stumbled across a cute street trying to find the palace and took a standard photoshoot

couldn't get over the view 

the classic french riviera picture

Nice, France
For our last day we spent it in Nice again and did the things we couldn't do on day 1. It was a beautiful day so we went to the beach and Promenade des Anglais. A lovely stretch quite like Santa Monica. Also, we climbed the Chateau Hill which had a waterfall and a view of Nice. 

I'll miss wining and dining everyday :(



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