Wednesday 10 January 2018

NYC Diaries: Day 1

I have just got back from my favourite place with my course, New York. I visited in 2016 and couldn't have been more excited to be back there to explore more and see the things I missed out on last time. I don't understand how people say you can see this city in 3 days, they obviously don't know where to go. It was interesting to see the city from a different season as I visited in the summer.  

We started the trip at FIT, our partner school for a fragrance talk which was an introduction to our next module. I found it fascinating as I don't know much about the fragrance industry and loved smelling the different scents! I hadn't eaten all day and really wanted a burger so we found our closest one in Madison Square Park. It was beautiful to sit outside in winter and look at the views too.

Madison Square Park
Me really enjoying my Shake Shack 
I Love NY 
We didn't know where to start with the list of things we wanted to do but Brooklyn sounded like the best choice. We rushed our way to make it for sunset and the views were worth it!

The walk across the Brooklyn Bridge left us wanting some food so we headed to Joe's Pizza, an iconic chain that celebrities like Leo DiCaprio have been too multiple times whilst in NYC. 



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