Monday 19 February 2018

Fashion Brands

Mark Tungate's book about the history of fashion brands was really interesting and I learnt quite a lot. I felt like after each chapter I needed a break to take it all in. I feel no where else would I have got so much information in one space. It not only talks about the brands but has to mention the industry works as a whole as well.

'Only when the marketers get hold of garments do they magically become 'fashion'

Right at the beginning of the book on the first page I liked this quote about the marketing strategies to consumers to make them believe they need these things. Thats the entire point of branding and selling that the book explores in every aspect.

'You can dress from head to toe in Gucci - that proves you're rich but it doesn't prove you have taste'

I thought this was really funny because its true. People have become blinded by names and logos that they don't put an outfit together because it looks good. Not to say designer apparel isn't trendy but there is plenty of cheaper options that are. This chapter was all about how consumers mix brands, high end and high street to create their own style. Fashion is an identity and you create your own with your take on clothes.

I couldn't possibly talk about every chapter because there were so many intriguing ones like the one about the collections. Fashion shows are so exclusive that any details I read about them is so cool.



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