Thursday 1 February 2018

Reflecting on Uni So Far

Uni has been a whirlwind of emotions so far. Moving away from home was definitely an adjustment, (I still don't like having to cook for myself.) Not only this but moving in with a bunch of strangers and having to make friends for the first time which I had seem to have forgotten how to do being surrounded by the same people my whole life. Every new school I had started I always had a best friend start with me so this was different. I don't think anyone can prepare you for this and being the older sibling I didn't have any guidance. I had heard stories about the good things about uni but no one really told me the harsh truths. For example, you can feel lonely even surrounded by a bunch of people. I have met a lot of people but some of those I don't speak to again. I find that I am particular who I become close to and I don't like to force friendships. Thankfully, one of my flatmates is my kind of person and we get on so well.

My course is amazing, not only the course itself but the people around me are all like minded and its exciting that I can meet people so like me. My course is everything I expected and more and couldn't be happier with my choice to do this degree and at NTU. I know so many people who are unhappy with their course and have considered dropping out so I feel lucky that I am not in that position! I feel so inspired and driven learning everyday especially after the NY trip which reminded me why I am at uni. I have just finished my first hand in and I feel so proud having worked through it for a very long time. The course is fun but also challenging and I like it that way. Second term has been quite a change from first term with the trip, then deadlines and now 2 weeks of reading. I can't wait to start the next module and continue going out again.


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