Monday 5 March 2018

The Naked Brand

In our new project on brands, we have to know the market and consumer behaviour. This documentary explores how the consumer has more control than ever with the sales of a product. Consumers want to trust the brand therefore they should avoid fake promises and rather focus on transparency. Consumer confidence is low even though advertising spending is high. However, old methods are failing with the rise of social media posts where people would rather get something because others are too. Its also a way to be more green and sustainable by having less print ads and more on the internet. They used examples such as a Chanel ad from 2004 that cost $25m but only 4m watched it on YouTube. Reviews on Amazon and Yelp give power to the consumers and the product sales. One bad review can make you question the worth of what you're about to buy. I definitely see the trends that were talked about because a lot of what I buy is from recommendation from bloggers or people I know, not necessarily the advertising. It relates to the fragrance industry too with independent retailers thinking more about reputation and the actual product than promising things they may not be able to deliver.



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