Tuesday 5 December 2017

Fashion x Film

Fashion is everywhere, influences and is influenced by everything. Music, culture and film. Viewers are engaged in a gripping story and whilst being emerged into the scene, fashion plays its own part. It gives a place for the clothes and the characters who where them are their own person. It may be fiction but people become involved and aspire to be like certain characters and may like to dress like them. It allows people to experience the concept of the brand that may not have been conveyed before through still image like the HM x Erdem collection by Baz Luhrmann. Even famous directors are doing fashion films. It boosts sales and sticks in your memory better.

Cult films such as 'Rebel Without a Cause' we remember the white shirt and leather jacket worn by James Dean. It is used as a tool to depict culture, hierarchy and era like in 'The Great Gatsby.' Along with the mood that is created with cinematic effects, theres power to clothing.

Not only films but tv shows are known for fashion. 'Gossip Girl' has a variety of fashion through their characters such as the gothic portrayal of Jenny Humphrey and her innocent school girl plaid. Blair Waldorf's headbands are iconic as well as the berets and designer dresses. There were even guest stars from the fashion industry such as Vera Wang, Karlie Kloss and Tyra Banks. I look to Clueless outfits for costume ideas for Halloween because the yellow plaid two piece is something everything knows.


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