Tuesday 31 October 2017

5 Places I'd Love To Visit Right Now

I am really grateful that I can say I have travelled to so many places and I am only 18 years-old. My mum loves traveling and I think I've got that from her too. I love exploring and adventures because I am someone who gets bored quickly; I need change frequently. Also, I like to do things on holiday, not just sit at a beach because you could be anywhere by the ocean. I want to see the culture and taste the food. Some of my favourite places that I have been to is New York and Amsterdam where I have left wanting to live in both! My friends joke when choosing where we should take a girls trip in the summer, "we have to pick a place where she hasn't been yet." I believe we should spend our money on experiences not things (or both). It was hard for me to narrow down to only 5 places I'd like to visit but that's why the right now part is important, these are the places I'd like to see at the moment and my list changes constantly.

1. Reykjavik, Iceland 

Iceland is a natural beauty and I don't think there is any place like it. The Blue Lagoon is a must as are the Northern Lights.

2. Copenhagen, Denmark

Copenhagen reminds me of Amsterdam and as I loved that trip, I am sure I will love this city. It's an arty city, up and coming in fashion too. One particular museum called Louisiana Museum of Modern Art has an installation I have to visit called Gleaming Lights of the Souls by Yayoi Kusama. It's a room covered in lights and it looks gorgeous. The architecture is pretty as well, its a city that you have to walk around and enjoy (my favourite kinds.) Of course I will want to shop in Stroget for all my shopping desires.

3. Phuket, Thailand

Thailand is a popular destination and every time I see someone there reminds me I have to go soon. Not only are the islands beautiful but the Lantern Festival and Full Moon Party look like so much fun.

4. Havana, Cuba

I cannot believe it took me so long to realise how much I would like to go to Cuba. Old Havana looks amazing to walk through and the taxis all being vintage cars transports you back to the 60s and its so cool. Not to mention, the Cuban cuisine. It doesn't look real in pictures but more like a still from an old film.

5. Sydney, Australia 

Australia is on the other side of the world and I have wanted to go there for a long time. I remember watching H20 on Nickelodeon as a kid and wanting to go scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef. As I have gotten older I still want to visit to see the famous Gold Coast and Sydney Harbour Bridge.


Monday 30 October 2017

The First Monday in May

The Met Gala is an extravagant fundraising event that displays fashion at the Met in NYC, held annually since '71. Its the event I would most like to attend and every year cannot wait to see what designers take is on the theme. The documentary, The First Monday in May gives us a behind the scenes look at the process that goes into creating the lavish event, based on 2015's Met Ball. I learnt a lot that I didn't know. The fact that brands/designers have plus ones and these people are picked specifically as their muses for their aesthetic. Many big name celebrities attend and thats what brings the attention. The event is very exclusive therefore I have never been able to see what the inside looks like, only the red carpet. The exhibition of each year's theme is for show a few months following the event, the next time I am in New York in the summer I will make sure I visit. Each room has its own feel/mood on the different takes.

"It's the pinnacle of art, fashion and culture." – Andrew Au

My favourite looks over the years are below. Kate Moss' '95 look is timeless and classic in a slip dress. Rihanna's 2014 two-piece is different and edgy. Kim Kardashian's 2015 feathered white dress is gorgeous and Beyonce's 2015 revealing outfit is scandalous but the embellishment distracts. However, Rihanna's 2015 yellow dress that took 2 years to make is the one that stole the show and the most memorable Met Gala outfit yet. Blake Lively's delicate 2016 gown is graceful and pretty. Lastly, Lily-Rose Depp's debut was so fierce especially the fur coat to match!

Kate Moss, 1995, Haute Couture 

Rihanna, 2014, Charles James: Beyond Fashion

Kim Kardashian, 2015, China: Through the Looking Glass

Beyonce, 2015, China: Through the Looking Glass

Rihanna, 2015, China: Through The Looking Glass

Blake Lively, 2016, Manus x Machina: Fashion In An Age Of Technology

Lily-Rose Depp, 2016, Manus x Machina: Fashion In An Age Of Technology

As usual I can't wait to see next year's dresses!


Sunday 29 October 2017

H&M x Erdem

Fashion is a part of more than just the fashion industry. It takes influence from everywhere and is a part of everything. One industry fashion is prevalent in is film. For the H&M x Erdem collection, Baz Luhrmann directed a film for the campaign to tell a story with the clothes. The dreamy filter and the hypnotising music from Years & Years draws the viewer into the collection. I like the incorporation of setting the scene in an always spring environment as the collection is of floral nature. Its an explosion of flowers and everything feminine. It makes the consumer want to dress the part and it sets a real life environment of where you could wear these pieces and the feel they create. I loved watching the playfulness, mystery and attraction portrayed. The advertising campaign definitely made me want to if not buy the collection, look into it. It was delicate and also an appreciation of beauty too.

"Fashion is a form of art – a stand-alone art form." – Baz Luhrmann 

The collection is beautiful and its hard to pick my favourite items but the dresses do have the edge. Whilst watching the film, these stood out amongst the others. The one worn by Chung is a classic slip dress but the embroidery makes the the dress ever so more elegant. In contrast the dress worn by Hwang is flowy, lacy and more conservative. It's lovely to see a range in the collection. 

Alexa Chung at the LA Launch Party
Tiffany Hwang at the LA Launch Party
 The collection goes on sale in stores and online on 2nd Nov at 9am.


Friday 27 October 2017

Jeremy Scott, The People's Designer.

I am always interested in finding new films to watch whether they're classics or recent films. I came across a fashion documentary on Jeremy Scott. I've always known his name but didn't look into him and what he's about. He's the creative director of Moschino as well as having a line of his own and one with Adidas. Scott seems much more close and personal with the younger generation. I think that is probably because of his incorporation of pop culture and his friends in the industry such as Katy Perry, Madonna, Miley and Beyonce. He says he is inspired by history and the icon that is LA. Los Angeles is the home of Hollywood that influences the public's fashion taste but is yet to become a major fashion capital.

"I want to become a fabric of their life." – Jeremy Scott 

Also, he is known for blending high fashion with street style. I like that he is neither serious nor commercial, something you don't see often with high fashion designers. His collections are niche and stand out, many stating him as 'fashion's last rebel.' I say fashion isn't just clothing but art and he definitely shows this as the pieces are fun and colourful. He has a postmodern, cartoon aesthetic and has been called fashion's equivalent to Andy Warhol, which I do see. The clothing is loud and elegant, they come alive. 

We had a big minimalism comeback with the 90s revival but currently maximalism is in. Jeremy Scott is portraying this as well. I loved the film's background insight into his mindset and where he has come from. It was honestly inspiring to see his journey from finding internships and sleeping on metros before finally showcasing his talents on runways. 

"I don't speak Italian but I do speak Moschino." – Jeremy Scott 


Sunday 15 October 2017

Pretty in Pink.

With our colour we were asked to create a photoshoot and short video. My partner and I had all these great ideas but didn't know exactly how to execute them. We decided that we like the idea of portraying the power of pink. Originally we were going to take the images in the studio but decided to take them in a setting of a garden. We blew up some balloons and wrote insults associated with pink and girls. The idea of the video was for the girl to pop the balloon in a representation that the words are meaningless and disregarded. The fact it was taken in slo-mo adds dramatic effect to the message. We tried to make the model look powerful in her pink clothing and overall pink setting. We put striking pink makeup on the eyes as well. I am happy with the result and enjoyed the process. Having done Photography at A-level, I am used to using professional cameras and editing on Photoshop. Making the pictures have the colour splash effect was important in not only making the images more edgy but the colour pink pops. My favourites are shown below and the video we made.


Friday 13 October 2017

Think Pink.

Initially when I was given the colour pink I was pretty pleased as I love the look of soft hues and pastel tones. However, when given the brief to include negatives towards pink I was stumped for what I didn't like. Researching into the colour, I realised I have a love/hate relationship with pink; I dislike anything hot pink or similar. It reminds me of the tacky side of pink and the asscociations to Paris Hilton circa 2000s (a very unfortunate decade for fashion).

"Pink is not a colour- its a culture to me."– DeAngelo Williams

When creating my two mood boards the one representing all things I love was easier because I collected everything I found aesthetically pleasing. On the other hand, the over it side was difficult because there was less for me to search up about. My course is more than just fashion therefore I look into culture and lifestyle as well as trends. This stigma that pink is only for girls interested me and the rise of men wearing pink. On my love it mood board, I explored the different connotations pink gives depending on who's wearing it. It can be classy, rebellious, seductive; it is a versatile colour. Some of my favourite images of men wearing pink are below. 

Everything wrong with pink stems from hot pink. Its the shade used most for girls parties, toys and rooms. It is predictable and it looks cheap. Walking past River Island window showcasing shocking pink really wasn't inviting. Below are some pictures I found of street style I am not the biggest fan of. Sorry Gigi Hadid who appears quite a few times. 

Writing my first blog post was definitely daunting at first but with practice this should hopefully become natural. 

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