Thursday 9 November 2017

'States of America' Exhibit

When I go home to London I have a couple of exhibitions I'd like to visit but Nottingham being an art and culture city, there was one right here that I was interested in. I enjoy contemporary art galleries more and as this exhibition is photography and culture, it's my favourite kind. 'States of America' exhibition is photography spanning over three decades from the civil rights movement to the Reagan era. The pictures are taken by famous American photographers such as William Eggleston, Diane Arbus, Mark Cohen and Bruce Davidson plus more. Its historic and real which makes the exhibit fascinating to look through. It relates to the society and politics happening at the time but without directly addressing the problems but more the affect on the people.

The exhibition is split into 4 galleries. Gallery 1 is titled 'Subject or Object' is about the dynamic between photographer and subject. Theres an invasive idea to the photos but they make the most raw and candid ones. 'A Changing Landscape' in Gallery 2 examines how the American way of life changed after WW2 and the development of mass advertising. I was familiar with William Eggleston before and admire his photography of common scenes and objects in their colour. The social interactions in 'Interior and Private Spaces' told the story of the realities and illusions of the American Dream. My favourite series was the Subway Series by Bruce Davidson showing all walks of life in New York showcased across galleries 3 & 4. 'Coming Together' presents a selection of street scenes. 1960s gang culture, teenage life in Long Island in the late 1970s, contrasted cityscapes reflect on the contradictions of urban life and the time of the Women's Liberation Movement.

 Lee Friedlander, New York City, 1966 Courtesy of Fraenkel Gallery, San Francisco and Wilson Centre for Photography
William Eggleston, Memphis Dust Bowls Vol I (1970)
Mary Ellen Mark, White Junior and Justin (1983)

It was definitely a worthwhile visit that I highly recommend, unfortunately I couldn't take any pictures whilst there.


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